Learning is fun here!! Attend our workshops for school students!


STEM stands for:


STEM refers to a set of interlinked subjects that are important foundational concepts for kids and adults in today’s world.

Technology is changing the role of parents and teachers in education-

STEM education isn’t only taking place in classrooms, kids are now learning key skills through play. An underlying principle of STEM is accessibility, through introducing concepts in relatable and engaging ways for more kids to flourish. Apps and other digital tools based on STEM education make learning accessible to a wider audience.

Benefits of STEM-

One of the common misconceptions about STEM education is that students need all of the latest technologies and gadgets to stay ahead of the curve. While it is true that technology is always changing and growing, STEM isn’t really about having the most expensive equipment. STEM should be focused on problem-solving and exposing young people for a life based in technology. It should prepare them to learn new advancements continuously throughout their lives by giving them the groundwork for what to expect with new tools and programs that will be developed in their future.At its roots – STEM is about learning how to learn and adapt. STEM encourages risk-taking through teamwork, communication, and collaboration in an environment ,where it’s safe to fail and learn from mistakes. Students learn to be creative and innovative while completing projects from start to finish. When students learn through STEM projects they’re building skills of determination and perseverance through difficult task.

At InteleQ we provide an immersive learning experience that provides comprehensive, interactive standard-aligned content for STEM and coding lessons. It offers a wide range of digital courses and hands-on activities that bring abstract concepts to life.We provide a ready-to-use learning environment that easily and successfully teaches students 21st century skills. Through fun and engaging themed-based lessons, students will learn to solve meaningful challenges by hands-on building and programming. Through the use of self constructed robots to visualize the meaning of abstract concepts, students can play, explore, experiment and learn.

We focus on developing 21st century skills and global competencies through the purposeful use of technology, project-based and blended learning. Students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, computational-thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration skills.InteleQ

On this occasion, Online Science Seminar was organized in Vivekananda Pratishthan English Medium School, Jalgaon in co-operation with Perceptive Minds, InteleQ and Avishkar India on 15th Feb 2021.Expert lectures were delivered by Mrs. Reshma A. Pawar InteleQ, Reshma and Mr. Sridhar P. Many interesting science concepts were discussed with students in Q & A part along with hands on experiments by students in respective classrooms. More than 600 students from school got benefitted by the seminars. All the school teachers and staff actively participated and took efforts to make this online event a great success.It was indeed a very knowledgeable day in which the main motive was to spread a message about the importance of Science used in the daily life of the people.Thank you Perceptive Minds and Vivekanand Pratishthan English Medium School for this wonderful opportunity to interact with students.#National science day#Perceptive Minds#Vivekanand Pratishthan English Medium School,Jalgaon.

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STEM Stands For:

STEM Stands For:


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